People don’t read, a common belief claims.
I wrote some words, so let’s put it to the test.
People don’t read,
a common belief claims.
I wrote some words,
so let’s put it to the test.
LTL. an Experiment in Scale
Can Virtual Reality make you feel small, insignificant, perhaps even oppressed? You decide.
LTL. (Little) is a small experiment in scale perception. You will find yourself shrunk to a tiny size, surrounded by normal-sized characters… or perhaps you are a normal-sized human, surrounded by giants? It’s all relative.
0 Comments2 Minutes
View Heatmaps: New Standard in VR Video Analytics
View heatmaps are an incredibly useful tool in understanding how audiences engage our content. As authors however, we should be very careful in how we interpret this data and how it influences our creative process.
4 Comments13 Minutes
“The Pull” in Official Selection for Kaleidoscope’s 2016 Summer Showcase
It is my pleasure to announce that my short VR film The Pull has been selected for Kaleidoscope's 2016 Summer Showcase. Powered by Wevr Transport, The 2016 Summer Showcase is a global event series that explores the art and science of virtual reality.
0 Comments1 Minutes
CV-VR Cam: New 360° Render Toolset for Maxon’s Cinema 4D
Cineversity VR Camera, or CV-VR Cam for short is a product of Maxon-managed Cineversity - a popular subscription based Cinema 4D training and tools resource. For the past few weeks I have been testing version 1.5 of this plugin, putting it through paces in an array of tests, as well as in a real-life commercial project.
Here's what I found out.
7 Comments11 Minutes
Make Adobe and SkyBox work on HTC Vive with Revive
You might have heard of Revive as it has stirred quite a bit of media attention with its recent back-and-forth with Oculus' DRM. It was originally designed to allow Oculus-exclusive titles to work on other headsets, but as I discovered - works with SkyBox VR as well!
9 Comments4 Minutes
“The Pull”: Behind the Scenes, Behind the Process
I’ve been also demoing "The Pull" at a number of events, and found out that a number of topics keep coming up in conversations with the audience. This article is a summary of some of the thought and process that went into the making of this VR film.
2 Comments13 Minutes
VR and the Fear of Flying
Flying back from Los Angeles I was seated on the plane next to a young man suffering from the worst case of aviophobia (fear of flying) I have ever seen. I decided to try a little experiment.
0 Comments3 Minutes
Absolute Beginner’s Guide to VR
Part 1: What does it all mean?
In this series of articles I am going to walk you through some of the basic concepts related to VR. Whether your end goal is to kick back, relax, and simply enjoy some VR content, or to create your own experiences and share them with others – this guide will help you understand all the basics and develop the vocabulary needed to understand and discuss VR.
3 Comments14 Minutes
Ambient Mixer and
Why Soundscapes Matter
Ambient Mixer is an online service that’s ideal for rapid prototyping. It comes in extremely handy whenever you need to lay in a basic atmospheric sound, but still want to customize it to fit your particular needs.
0 Comments5 Minutes
QubaVR Stereo Swapper (Photoshop Actions)
To simplify the process of converting the stereoscopic images from one layout to another, I have created a series of Adobe Photoshop Actions named QubaVR Stereo Swapper, that will allow you to re-arrange your frames with a single (or at most double) click.
0 Comments3 Minutes
LTL. an Experiment in Scale
Can Virtual Reality make you feel small, insignificant, perhaps even oppressed? You decide.
LTL. (Little) is a small experiment in scale perception. You will find yourself shrunk to a tiny size, surrounded by normal-sized characters… or perhaps you are a normal-sized human, surrounded by giants? It’s all relative.
0 Comments2 Minutes
View Heatmaps: New Standard in VR Video Analytics
View heatmaps are an incredibly useful tool in understanding how audiences engage our content. As authors however, we should be very careful in how we interpret this data and how it influences our creative process.
4 Comments13 Minutes
“The Pull” in Official Selection for Kaleidoscope’s 2016 Summer Showcase
It is my pleasure to announce that my short VR film The Pull has been selected for Kaleidoscope's 2016 Summer Showcase. Powered by Wevr Transport, The 2016 Summer Showcase is a global event series that explores the art and science of virtual reality.
0 Comments1 Minutes
CV-VR Cam: New 360° Render Toolset for Maxon’s Cinema 4D
Cineversity VR Camera, or CV-VR Cam for short is a product of Maxon-managed Cineversity - a popular subscription based Cinema 4D training and tools resource. For the past few weeks I have been testing version 1.5 of this plugin, putting it through paces in an array of tests, as well as in a real-life commercial project.
Here's what I found out.
7 Comments11 Minutes
Make Adobe and SkyBox work on HTC Vive with Revive
You might have heard of Revive as it has stirred quite a bit of media attention with its recent back-and-forth with Oculus' DRM. It was originally designed to allow Oculus-exclusive titles to work on other headsets, but as I discovered - works with SkyBox VR as well!
9 Comments4 Minutes
“The Pull”: Behind the Scenes, Behind the Process
I’ve been also demoing "The Pull" at a number of events, and found out that a number of topics keep coming up in conversations with the audience. This article is a summary of some of the thought and process that went into the making of this VR film.
2 Comments13 Minutes
VR and the Fear of Flying
Flying back from Los Angeles I was seated on the plane next to a young man suffering from the worst case of aviophobia (fear of flying) I have ever seen. I decided to try a little experiment.
0 Comments3 Minutes
Absolute Beginner’s Guide to VR
Part 1: What does it all mean?
In this series of articles I am going to walk you through some of the basic concepts related to VR. Whether your end goal is to kick back, relax, and simply enjoy some VR content, or to create your own experiences and share them with others – this guide will help you understand all the basics and develop the vocabulary needed to understand and discuss VR.
3 Comments14 Minutes
Ambient Mixer and
Why Soundscapes Matter
Ambient Mixer is an online service that’s ideal for rapid prototyping. It comes in extremely handy whenever you need to lay in a basic atmospheric sound, but still want to customize it to fit your particular needs.
0 Comments5 Minutes
QubaVR Stereo Swapper (Photoshop Actions)
To simplify the process of converting the stereoscopic images from one layout to another, I have created a series of Adobe Photoshop Actions named QubaVR Stereo Swapper, that will allow you to re-arrange your frames with a single (or at most double) click.
0 Comments3 Minutes