People don’t read, a common belief claims.

I wrote some words, so let’s put it to the test.

People don’t read,
a common belief claims.

I wrote some words,
so let’s put it to the test.

LTL. an Experiment in Scale

Can Virtual Reality make you feel small, insignificant, perhaps even oppressed? You decide.
LTL. (Little) is a small experiment in scale perception. You will find yourself shrunk to a tiny size, surrounded by normal-sized characters… or perhaps you are a normal-sized human, surrounded by giants? It’s all relative.

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0 Comments2 Minutes

Jaunt Heatmaps

View Heatmaps: New Standard in VR Video Analytics

View heatmaps are an incredibly useful tool in understanding how audiences engage our content. As authors however, we should be very careful in how we interpret this data and how it influences our creative process.

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4 Comments13 Minutes

LTL. an Experiment in Scale

Can Virtual Reality make you feel small, insignificant, perhaps even oppressed? You decide.
LTL. (Little) is a small experiment in scale perception. You will find yourself shrunk to a tiny size, surrounded by normal-sized characters… or perhaps you are a normal-sized human, surrounded by giants? It’s all relative.

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0 Comments2 Minutes

Jaunt Heatmaps

View Heatmaps: New Standard in VR Video Analytics

View heatmaps are an incredibly useful tool in understanding how audiences engage our content. As authors however, we should be very careful in how we interpret this data and how it influences our creative process.

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4 Comments13 Minutes