People don’t read, a common belief claims.

I wrote some words, so let’s put it to the test.

People don’t read,
a common belief claims.

I wrote some words,
so let’s put it to the test.

One Foot in Tomorrowland

I spent a week in the future, filled with AI collaborations in cooking, scripting, and design, only to rediscover the irreplaceable essence of human creativity amidst digital marvels.

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Bad UX Could Cost Lives

A seemingly minor UX flaw in the U.S. Emergency Alert System could spell disaster. Here are some simple tweaks that could be life-saving.

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I don't really have much to say about the necessity (or lack thereof) for Smell-O-Vision tech. I do, however, have a beef with the naming.

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One Foot in Tomorrowland

I spent a week in the future, filled with AI collaborations in cooking, scripting, and design, only to rediscover the irreplaceable essence of human creativity amidst digital marvels.

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Bad UX Could Cost Lives

A seemingly minor UX flaw in the U.S. Emergency Alert System could spell disaster. Here are some simple tweaks that could be life-saving.

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I don't really have much to say about the necessity (or lack thereof) for Smell-O-Vision tech. I do, however, have a beef with the naming.

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