People don’t read, a common belief claims.

I wrote some words, so let’s put it to the test.

People don’t read,
a common belief claims.

I wrote some words,
so let’s put it to the test.

The Struggles of Being Helped

Do benefits of using AI justify the cognitive load required to supervise its output?

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0 Comments4 Minutes

Endless Session Header

The Endless Session

Ever since I started working in futures design, I have been repeatedly asked the same question over and over again: "What will be the next pinch-to-zoom moment in Human-Machine Interaction?" I believe it won't be a singular gesture, app or device—but rather a shift in a way we interface with computers—a shift I dubbed The Endless Session.

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1 Comment7 Minutes

One Foot in Tomorrowland

I spent a week in the future, filled with AI collaborations in cooking, scripting, and design, only to rediscover the irreplaceable essence of human creativity amidst digital marvels.

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0 Comments9 Minutes

The Lost Art of Getting Lost: Header

The Lost Art of Getting Lost

How may we re-introduce chance and serendipity back into our lives in a world dominated by digital assistants and efficiency-focused algorithms?

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Paradox of Progress

The Paradox of Progress: From Anticipation to Appreciation

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning have seen a remarkable rise in popularity and capability in recent years. The rapid changes AI is expected to bring to society are approaching quickly, fueling its mindshare and investment. However, this exponential growth pattern has been seen before with emerging technologies, with the over-hyped promise often resulting in disappointment.

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0 Comments9 Minutes

Video Collection Posters

I had some extra time this holiday break, so I decided to organize my movie collection. Once I categorized the movies I own into better folders, I realized I am not a fan of the way Plex auto-generates category posters. I decided to design my own.

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0 Comments2 Minutes

ChatGPT Recommends Quba

Using ChatGPT, in less than an hour I generated glowing testimonials for QubaXR from some of the tech industry's most imaginary executives

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0 Comments7 Minutes

Quba’s Take on: AI, Creativity and Stealing Art

In the field of visual arts, a recurring theme in anti-AI conversation seems to be: "AI models are trained on artworks without artists’ consent and they steal their art style". This argument just does not sit right with me, so here’s my take on the subject.

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0 Comments5 Minutes

Get Started with AI Art!

If you are interested in generating images using artificial intelligence, but don't not know where to start - follow this guide, and within a few minutes you will be seeing your very own AI generations.

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0 Comments19 Minutes

Abstract lens flare image generated with AI

Few more thoughts on Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Art

News and media tend to sensationalize AI-related headlines, proclaiming computers will soon replace artists. It's a faulty argument.

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The Struggles of Being Helped

Do benefits of using AI justify the cognitive load required to supervise its output?

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0 Comments4 Minutes

Endless Session Header

The Endless Session

Ever since I started working in futures design, I have been repeatedly asked the same question over and over again: "What will be the next pinch-to-zoom moment in Human-Machine Interaction?" I believe it won't be a singular gesture, app or device—but rather a shift in a way we interface with computers—a shift I dubbed The Endless Session.

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1 Comment7 Minutes

One Foot in Tomorrowland

I spent a week in the future, filled with AI collaborations in cooking, scripting, and design, only to rediscover the irreplaceable essence of human creativity amidst digital marvels.

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0 Comments9 Minutes

The Lost Art of Getting Lost: Header

The Lost Art of Getting Lost

How may we re-introduce chance and serendipity back into our lives in a world dominated by digital assistants and efficiency-focused algorithms?

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0 Comments5 Minutes

Paradox of Progress

The Paradox of Progress: From Anticipation to Appreciation

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning have seen a remarkable rise in popularity and capability in recent years. The rapid changes AI is expected to bring to society are approaching quickly, fueling its mindshare and investment. However, this exponential growth pattern has been seen before with emerging technologies, with the over-hyped promise often resulting in disappointment.

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0 Comments9 Minutes

Video Collection Posters

I had some extra time this holiday break, so I decided to organize my movie collection. Once I categorized the movies I own into better folders, I realized I am not a fan of the way Plex auto-generates category posters. I decided to design my own.

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0 Comments2 Minutes

ChatGPT Recommends Quba

Using ChatGPT, in less than an hour I generated glowing testimonials for QubaXR from some of the tech industry's most imaginary executives

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0 Comments7 Minutes

Quba’s Take on: AI, Creativity and Stealing Art

In the field of visual arts, a recurring theme in anti-AI conversation seems to be: "AI models are trained on artworks without artists’ consent and they steal their art style". This argument just does not sit right with me, so here’s my take on the subject.

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0 Comments5 Minutes

Get Started with AI Art!

If you are interested in generating images using artificial intelligence, but don't not know where to start - follow this guide, and within a few minutes you will be seeing your very own AI generations.

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0 Comments19 Minutes

Abstract lens flare image generated with AI

Few more thoughts on Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Art

News and media tend to sensationalize AI-related headlines, proclaiming computers will soon replace artists. It's a faulty argument.

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0 Comments2 Minutes