People don’t read, a common belief claims.

I wrote some words, so let’s put it to the test.

People don’t read,
a common belief claims.

I wrote some words,
so let’s put it to the test.

The Struggles of Being Helped

Do benefits of using AI justify the cognitive load required to supervise its output?

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Endless Session Header

The Endless Session

Ever since I started working in futures design, I have been repeatedly asked the same question over and over again: "What will be the next pinch-to-zoom moment in Human-Machine Interaction?" I believe it won't be a singular gesture, app or device—but rather a shift in a way we interface with computers—a shift I dubbed The Endless Session.

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The Struggles of Being Helped

Do benefits of using AI justify the cognitive load required to supervise its output?

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0 Comments4 Minutes

Endless Session Header

The Endless Session

Ever since I started working in futures design, I have been repeatedly asked the same question over and over again: "What will be the next pinch-to-zoom moment in Human-Machine Interaction?" I believe it won't be a singular gesture, app or device—but rather a shift in a way we interface with computers—a shift I dubbed The Endless Session.

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1 Comment7 Minutes