Confidential nature of my work prevents me from showcasing the case studies to general public. To learn more, get in touch. I would be delighted to personally guide you through the projects featured below. Confidential nature of my work prevents me from showcasing the case studies to general public. To learn more, get in touch. I would be delighted to personally guide you through the projects featured below. Eyes on the Solar SystemLarger-than-life spacetime storytelling engine built with NASA. Bot&DollyFor a while, we lived in the future Winter WonderlabPop-up experience dripping with tech and style AR NextEnvisioning the next decade in Google AR VRealLive streaming in 6 degrees of freedom Project SpectraSmart devices, holograms and portals Catwalk CaféFuture of shopping with Amazon's generative AI 24hrs on ISSKinetic principles for NASA's redesigned web presence ACME SearchGoogle search as a physical, collaborative space Do What You DoChallenging classic persona archetypes in a global Nexus campaign Atari 50Digital collectibles celebrating half a century of Atari Macula LuteaVFX errors refined into procedural artwork Atari VCSRetro-futuristic UX for the rebirth of an icon Google Shop at CurrysDigital goes retail goes virtual Fire RemoteBig things come in small packages OMGYesBreaking taboos to make understanding female pleasure open and honest The Quantum QuiltGenerative art inspired by the uncertainty of quantum world Sun IchNon-verbal storytelling at 5,000 fps MusingUnlocking human creativity and imagination through procedurally generated imagery and spaces Sweet, SmartUsing practical VFX to look inside Google Nexus Q Pixel PathMechanical, interactive transformation of liminal spaces BoxForced perspective projection mapping—indistinguishable from magic KinetisphereInteractive robotic sculpture & AR game Dock Is DeadJambox blows up competition… in slow motion FlexBringing physicality of paper medium to The New York Times mobile app Meta AREnvisioning AR uses that save human lives Hallow PunkCelebrate Halloween 2054 with a postcard from augmented future Multiuser MomentCelebrating Nexus 7: Made for sharing JourneyDocumenting the genesis of revolutionary Project Tango FreeFall 4KAn out of this world XR experience Tactile XRBringing sense of touch to VR without specialized haptic hardware CX SpacesVirtual project spaces for post-pandemic reality Ex\StaticAward-winning environmental storytelling experience VR Vehicle TestbedAutomotive design and testing platform Spooky DemoHaunting experience across multiple smart home devices Life on MarsInteractive exhibition space design Indifference 90KArtwork, handmade with algorithms and lasers How It WorksPractical morphing sets in video series for University of Phoenix AE64No-keyframes motion tribute to 8-bit era demos HBO VRChallenging UI conventions in a VR media library UX CubeClassic swag reimagined for UX designers New York Times TRGenre-defining ride through a typographic cityscape… or two WingsAround the world in a kaleidoscopic patchwork of memories ShōjiAmbient UX envisioning for Amazon Echo devices “10_11”Procedural, geometric, glitchy holiday greetings AutofussAt the intersection of tech, poetry, art, food and dreams Natural Number ReaderRealistic voice PA sequencing without AI Bossa NovaRobotic assistants coming to a store near you Needless to say,I'm pretty proud of all those. If you'd like to learn more about the projects above, or my other works, get in touch! I'm looking forward to meeting you.emailLinkedIn